Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10: Manga vs Anime comparison

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10, titled Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji, was released on June 11, 2023, captivating viewers' attention with its visualization and storytelling. Though the episode is based on the story of the Demon Slayer manga, there is some contrast between manga and anime.

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 has artistically adapted the story from the manga and improvised some scenes, which made the animation and story better and synchronized perfectly. The audience took the improvisation well because they completed the show and made sure that everyone watching understood what was happening. This article will point out some contrasting parts that were improvised in the anime and the parts that were missing.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10.

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10: Differences and Improvisations

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 started with the parts that were missing in the previous episode, which was Zohakuten talking foul towards Mitsuri Kanroji, which made her angry and charged towards Zohakuten. This brought up the intensity of the battle between Mitsuri and Zohakuten from the beginning of the episode.

The part where Tanjiro narrated Mitsuri’s fighting style and the trait of her unique sword in Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 was improvised. Tanjiro explained how Mitsuri has the fastest attacks among the Hashiras and explained a bit about how she fights with her sword, although it is thin and flexible. These explanations were explained as narratives in the manga.

Moreover, the animation of Mitsuri using her Love Breathing technique to cut through Zohakuten’s wood dragons was enthralling and visually enjoyable. These scenes from the Demon Slayer manga have been depicted perfectly with details. Although a small detail was missed from the manga, which was the scene where Mitsuri’s sword wrapped around Zohakuten, it did scar a bit on Zohakuten’s neck, and he healed it right after he attacked Mitsuri with compressed sound waves.

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 also improvised some scenes that synchronized the story perfectly. Tanjiro noticed the main body of Hantengu running away as Mitsuri was attacking Zohakuten's wooden dragon, and this scene was not in the manga. Including this scene made the story smoother regarding when Tanjiro started following the main body of Hantengu.

The main improvisation of Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 was done in the backstory of Mitsuri Kanroji. The anime brilliantly adapted and blended the stories from both manga and light novels, including some improvised scenes that synchronized perfectly. In the anime, there were so many additions, like her sweet relationship with her father, eating in the restaurant, and defeating the sumo wrestler in arm wrestling.

Additionally, the fans adored the scenes where Mitsuri Kanroji joins the Demon Slayer Corps and receives everyone's acceptance, particularly her relationship with Obanai, who gives her a pair of socks.

In the second part of Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10, when Mitsuri was engaged in an intense battle against Zohakuten, the scene where Tanjiro and others were looking for the real body of Hantengu based on Tanjiro’s detecting demon scent was an anime-original scene that was missing in the manga.

Some changes were noticeable in Genya’s scenes too. Like Mitsuri’s ability and sword narrative, which were explained through Tanjiro in the anime, Genya’s inability to use any Breathing Techniques, which is why he eats demon parts to boost his power immensely, was explained by Genya himself.

Also, in the manga, it seems like Genya threw three trees toward Hantengu, but in the anime, it’s just a tree. Moreover, the reaction from Tanjiro and Nezuko after Genya's throwing a tree toward Hantengu was missing in the anime.

Final thoughts

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 10 has depicted a thoughtful adaptation with a combination of mesmerizing improvisations, which made the story smoother and synchronized perfectly. This makes it more meaningful and understandable to the audience. Also, they critically inserted the improvisations in the anime to maintain the essence of the manga.

The episode ended with a cliffhanger, which heightened suspense on another level for the next episode. Also, as the next episode will be the final episode of Demon Slayer season 3, fans are excited to see more enthralling scenes and improvisations that will complete the story of the Swordsmith Village arc from the Demon Slayer manga.

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