Gwyneth Paltrow is still doing the promotional rounds to support It’s All Easy, her latest tedious and elitist cookbook. And as we’ve already covered, the promotion is Classic Goop, full of amazing throw-away judgments on food, cooking and how the peasants live and eat. Apparently, Gwyneth has a hate-on for dill. DILL. Of all things. Hating dill is like hating mustard: pointless. Gwyneth thinks dill is offensive. She also thinks microwaves are the devil, which we already learned this week.
Her least favorite food: “I really don’t like dill. It’s not really a food, but it really offends me.”
No microwaves: “I believe in old fashioned ways of heating things up. It’s really not so tough to put an oven on or gasoline steaming. It’s like five minutes.”
No pre-made salads: “My philosophy is, it’s really easy to make your own salad at home. It’s cheaper, it’s healthier, you know what’s in it. I’ve had some great experiences with the grab-and-go salad, and some really, really terrible ones.”
Getting her kids to eat healthier: “I really find if I put out lots of dipping sauces, or lettuce cups, or they’re filling things themselves or making tacos, they’re more involved. …They’ll eat more vegetables. My kids are pretty good at home. I try to keep the pantry pretty clean, but when we’re out in the world, it’s all Oreos and Cheez-Its and stuff like that, unfortunately.”
CHEEZ-ITS! I’ll admit, Cheez-Its and Oreos are not for me… usually. But then again, I have like five bags of discounted Easter candy in my house because I’m obsessed with chocolate-and-peanut-butter eggs. We all have our little food quirks, is my point. Gwyneth’s “dill is not really a food” quirk reminds me of one of my dad’s food quirks – my dad was always insistent that bacon was not a meal. One of his favorite food-related sayings was “bacon is a condiment.” As in, bacon should never be used as a stand-alone meal, but merely an accessory to a meal.
Meanwhile, Gwyneth was asked again about her old quote about “I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can.” When asked if she still feels that way, Goop said: “Hell yes. You know, crack might be extreme, but spray cheese is not my kind of party.” Then this perfect tweet happened:
Gwenyth Paltrow is affluenza's Patient Zero.
— Samantha Bunten (@samanthabunten) April 12, 2016
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.